I know what you’re thinking. New Year, new me… time to start eating healthy! Well, here’s one that keeps your New Years resolution while also being damn delicious- it’s my kale and roasted vegetable winter salad!

Total Cooking Time: 1 hour
Total Meals: 5
Total Cost: $25.00 ($5.00 per meal)

Flavour Profile: ★★★★
Pack-ability: ★★★★
Healthy Choice: ★★★

  • 1 bundle of kale
  • 2 turnips
  • butternut squash or acorn squash
  • leeks
  • 2 chicken breasts
  • hazelnuts
  • goat cheese
  • pesto
  • red wine vinegar
  • olive oil
  • salt and pepper

Roast Veggies: Preheat oven to 400 degrees F. Peel and chop turnips and squash into medium 1′ size chunks. Wash and chop leeks into chunks roughly same size and other vegetable.  Toss vegetables in a bowl with olive oil and salt & pepper to taste. Line a sheet pan with foil and spread the vegetables out on the sheet pan in a single layer (be sure the pan isn’t too crowded or your veggies will be mushy). Roast for 25-30 minutes or until vegetables are tender.

 feel free to add another other of you favourite roasted veggies like onion, carrot, or cauliflower. 

Once out of oven let veggies cool for 5 minutes then place back into bowl. Toss with 2 TBSP of pesto.

Cook Chicken: Preheat pan to mid-high heat. Season chicken with salt & pepper to taste. Cook chicken for 25-30 or until cooked through.

Prepare Kale: Wash and peel kale, then put in bowl. Massage kale for 1-2 minutes or until you smell a “grassy fragrance.” This will tenderise the kale. Toss kale in salad dressing.

Dressing:  3 TBSP red wine vinegar, 2 TBSP olive oil, 1 clove garlic, salt & pepper to taste. Blend well. 

Put Together: Once veggies and chicken are cooked prepare salad by making a kale base tossed in vinaigrette. Top with veggies, goat cheese and crushed hazelnuts. Serve with sliced chicken.


PRO TIP!:  If you are making the salad for one, only put together enough for yourself. Store all ingredients separately for an easy-to-assemble salad the next day!